Judge's Biographies

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ATKINS Denise (Labooshar)

I have been showing dogs for almost 40 years. In l976 came our first Beardie (Brambledale Blue Star) shortly followed by Tamevalley Folk Lyric who I campaigned to a Champion. Folk Lyric produced our first homebred champion (Ch. Labooshar Lore Lord) who retired at 3 years old with 5 CC’s and 5 RCC’s. I also campaigned Tamevalley Lamplighter of Labooshar won 2 RCC’s and produced champions including Ch. Coalacre Lampoon.

We have produced 2 International Champions, 1 English Champion and numerous Stud Book entrants and I have only bred 16 litters in 35 years. I now own 3 Beardies but have also owned a Lhasa Apso and a Maltese Terrier who was runner up puppy in his breed.

I have judged widely around the UK at Championship & Open Show level both in Beardies and breeds from the pastoral/working groups including the Pastoral Group itself. Judging appointments have included Norway, Belgium, Sweden, Finland, Canada (National Speciality), USA (Regional Speciality) and bitches at Crufts in 2013.

BALDWIN Keith (Nightstorm)

It was 1978 that I purchased my first Working Breed – Dobermann, followed by Belgian Shepherd Dog (Tervueren) in 1991. I have made up Champions in Dobermann, Belgian Shepherd Dogs, Schipperke and Miniature Pinscher.

The Working Group was split in 1998 to form the Pastoral Group but I have won the Working Group at Border Union 1996 with my BSD Ch Belamba Monopoly over Nightstorm then in 2001 his son that I bred and showed to 16 CCs, Ch Nightstorm’s Fotocopy was awarded BOB at Crufts.

I first awarded CCs in 1996 for Dobbermann then Belgian Shepherd Dogs from 2002. I am now approved by KC to award CCs in 17 breeds, The Working Group, Pastoral Group and Best in Show.

My first appointment for Bearded Collie came in 1997 at Banwen, South Wales. I attended the Bearded Collie Breed seminar on 3rd May 2009 run by Southern Counties and I have progressed to the B list to date with 71 classes with 143 dogs hands-on.

I have had the honour of judging the North of England Bearded Collie Club on 29th September, 2012 which I enjoyed and appreciated the quality hands-on experience. I have only judged Bearded Collies twice in Scotland, both with good entries – East of Scotland on 9th November 2003 (7 hands-on) and Catrine, 27th February, 2005 (9 hands-on).

At Bournemouth Championship Show 2016 I awarded the Pastoral Group (1) to the Bearded Collie – Ch Potterdale Platinum Plus.

I have also attended and passed the KC Rules & Regs, KC Conformation and Movement and Points of the Dog.

Thank you for reading my Bearded Collie CV.

BETTS Maureen (Pipadene)

My first beardie, Moonglow Magic Charm of Pipadene, came into my life in 1975. This was my foundation bitch and from that time beardies have been a huge part of my life.
I always try to keep quality not quantity to the fore and have bred seven English Champions, American, Australian, German, Danish and Swedish champions plus many CC, Reserve CC and stud book qualifiers.
I commenced my judging career at Open show level in the the early 1980s and having obtained the appropriate numbers in the breed was approved by the Kennel Club to award CCs in 1996. Since that time I have not only awarded CCs in the UK on a regular basis but have judged at many breed club championship shows throughout Europe, America and Australia. I was honoured to judge the American National Specialty in 2004 and believe the pinnacle of my judging career to date has been to judge bitches at Crufts 2011.
I enjoy all aspects of the dog scene, being a regular exhibitor and thoroughly enjoy teaching others the skill of ringcraft. I have been the trainer at my local club for over 25 years.
My love for the beardie was founded on an unexagerated dog, that gentle knight, fit and light of foot, able to cover any terrain and I believe this is the grounding on which I judge.

BIRD Sue (Bridus)

I have owned Bearded Collies since 1986 when we bought a brown bitch as a family pet & companion for the children. She was a Sammara Standing Ovation daughter, very laid back & friendly, from that moment we were hooked on the breed. A year later she was joined by Digger who we thought it would be good to have a go at exemption shows & perhaps a little bit of the serious stuff. It became a regular weekend event & so it began. We enjoyed showing & competing in Agility. I first started judging Beardies in 1992 & awarded CC’s for the 1st time in 2010 at Windsor. Emma & I have breed/owned 7 dogs with there stud book numbers & 1 Bel Ch. We now also have Finnish Lapphunds that keep the Beardies company & I have the 1st UK Bitch champion & bred 2 with their stud book numbers.

I judge other breeds within the Pastoral & Working Group & have been approved to award CC’s in Australian Shepherds in 2014 at LKA & Border Collies at WELKS 2015.

I enjoy judging very much & feel it an honour to be given the privilege to go over some wonderful dogs.

BUCHANAN-HISLOP Patricia (Ciopar)

I got my first dog for my 5th birthday and there has always been a dog in my life since. My first bearded collie arrived in early 1989. She was from the last litter of the famous Wishanger kennel. She was very clever. I did agility with her and took her to Scottish Breeds show and where she qualified for Crufts. I was hooked. I made lots of mistakes with her and she taught me a LOT.
I bred my first litter at the end of 1991 and have bred 9 litters in total.
I have bred 2 U.K. Champions and one Irish Champion and 4 of my dogs have gained their Stud book numbers.
My first judging appointment was in the mid 1990’s. My BOB at that show went BIS. I have judged Beardies at open show level in various places in Scotland and in Northern Ireland.
I enjoy learning about our breed and have been to many breed seminars over the years. I have served on both the Bearded Collie Club of Scotland and the Scottish Branch of the Bearded Collie Club in the past. I regularly steward at Irvine Canine Club and have been a committee member of this club for 15 years.

BURGON [Moffat] Lyndsay (Lyngem)

I’ve had Bearded Collies from being a very young girl. I remember coming home from a friend’s house to find a beautiful puppy snuggled up in her basket awaiting my return, a total surprise. I loved her and this led to my life long passion for the breed.

Our first Beardie was Sasha, Willowmead Spring Serenade at Kyleca bred by the late Suzanne Moorhouse, she was soon followed by Gemma, Wellknowe Spring Breeze, Ryan, Ch/Ir Ch. Gallus Macracker at Kyleca JW ShCM and Jessica, Ch. Kyleca Spring Breeze JW. I had a close involvement with these dogs showing them in Junior Handling and YKC Stakes and qualified for Crufts on many occasions.

Now married with our young son George I took a break from showing and judging, unexpectedly we were so lucky to get the chance, earlier this year, of a puppy from Corimist in Corimist Caissa at Lyngem who I am actively showing.

BURSCOUGH Tony (Kilfinan)

With my wife Chris we have owned and exhibited Bearded Collies since 1987. In that time we have qualified 22 Bearded Collies for the KC Stud Book, 18 of which were home-bred. 5 have become UK Champions with 1 holding a dual title UK/Irish. The Bearded Collies we have owned and shown have won a total of 26 CC’s and 23 Res CC’s to date, our Beardies have also been campaigned in Ireland where they have won a number of CACIB’s, and 4 have achieved Irish titles. Our most memorable achievements in the show ring have been Best of Breed at Crufts, Group 1 Blackpool Champ Show, overall winner of Welsh Contest of Champions, Welsh Top Puppy, Welsh Top Junior competitions. We have also bred 2 Bearded Collies that have achieved their Champion titles in Canada.
I judged my 1st classes of Bearded Collies in 1994 and awarding CC’c for the 1st time at Border Union in 2012, and then at Birmingham National in 2014 and Midshires in 2016. . Overseas I had the honour of Judging the Sweepstakes classes at the Bearded Collie Club of Club of Canada Speciality in 2007. In 2012 I was honoured to judge the Bearded Collie Club of Germany Speciality show and the Norwegian Bearded Collie Club Show in June 2016.
I was privileged to be passed to award CC’s in Portuguese Water Dogs at Border Union in 2017.
I enjoy judging, consider it an honour but also view it as an opportunity to gain further valuable experience and, hopefully, contribute to maintaining the breeds wonderful character and construction for future generations.
Our second breed is Skye Terriers and I awarded my first set of CC’s this year at Border Union. We currently own 2 with CC’s and one is now a Ch. I have attended many seminars in the Working and Pastoral breeds and will continue to do so as I enjoy judging and consider it an honour but also view it as a valuable learning experience.

CANTY Barry (Bargemon)

I have had an association and love of animals all of his life.

In 1988 as a partner in crime to a Briard puppy, myself and Carole acquired Thymewinds Teddy Boy (Teddy), (Potterdale Byron X Sunbree Shared Moment) from Wendy Smith in Kent.
Over the last twenty six years we have qualified eight dogs for the Kennel Club Stud Book, have owned one Champion, Ch. Moonhills Lady in Red for Bargemon (Dolly) and bred one Champion, Ch. Bargemon Baryshnikov at Barkenbear JW (Fletcher).

I am currently on the A3 Judges Lists of The Bearded Collie Club of Scotland, The Bearded Collie Club, The North of England Bearded Collie Club, Eastern Bearded Collie Association, The Briard Association and The British Briard Club, B Judges Lists for The Affenpinscher Club and Catalan Sheepdogs, C-List Midshires Bearded Collie Club, and Southern Counties Bearded Collie Club.

I have attended seminars on conformation, movement, rules, regulations, judging etiquette, breed history and various other topics.

Over the last twenty years, I have been involved in the administration and show management arena, currently Secretary of Eastern Beardies, Chairman and Show Manager of Crystal Palace Canine Association, Treasurer of The Affenpinscher Club, Show Manager of The British Briard Club, Committee Member Contest of Champion Show Dogs Charity and has also stewarded at various Open and Championship Shows.

CANTY Carole (Bargemon)

My introduction to this wonderful breed was a day out at Crufts in the mid 80’s. We were looking for a companion, maybe to be shown, for our Briard. I walked into Earls Court and saw all these Beardie faces looking at me and that was that – although due to unforeseen circumstances it was not until 1988 that our first boy “Teddy” joined us. He is still remembered with a smile, such a character and sorely missed.

I started stewarding and getting involved with the organisation of shows in the mid 90’s – I became committee member and treasurer of Crystal Palace CA, a position that I still hold, and I was also the Secretary for 10 years. At the moment I am a committee member and the Open Show Secretary of National working & Pastoral Breeds. It always feels good to put something back into a hobby that has given you so much over the years.

We had our first litter in the year 2000 and have been fortunate enough to have owned or bred 2 champions, 2 CC and 5 RCC winners.

As a result of all my work and other commitments, my judging career had to take a bit of a back seat until recently. I have been judging since 2007 and also judge Briards, Australian Shepherds, Catalans, Rough Collies and Shelties.

CARTER Sue (Woodacre)

Sue has loved dogs for as long as she can remember. She has owned and shown Beardies since 1980 and her first Beardie (Woodland Merle) won her first CC in 1985.

In 1988 Moonhill Rosy Glow of Woodacre joined the household winning 1 CC and 2 RCC’s. She was the foundation bitch of the Woodacre kennel and the mother of Woodacre Wynsome Blue (4 RCC’s) and the first homebred Woodacre champions –
Ch. Woodacre Wynter Knight (7 CC’s & 7 RCC’s) and Ch. Woodacrew Wynter Star at Geliland (3 CC’s & 6 RCC’s)

The Woodacre show team currently comprises Ch. Woodacre Thyme to Beguile JW, Woodacre Thyme Will Tell, Nellbrook Wynter Magic of Woodacre (1 CC & 2 RCC’s) and Braemoray Dream Angus of Woodacre JW (1 CC).

Sue’s first judging appointment was in 1983, awarding CCs in 1998. She has judged mainly in the UK but has held appointments in the Netherlands and America.

Sue has held the position of Treasurer for the Bearded Collie Club for the last 22 years and feels it is rewarding to put something back into the world of Beardies.

COLWELL Terry (Pastraka)

My introduction to dogs was in 1987 when we acquired a beautiful bearded border cross called Penny.
When she was 2 years old we had our first beardie from K S Moorhouse.
We had our beautiful Gemma “Sammara Cosmopolitan” from Sue & Willie O’Brien that started our breeding line “PASTRAKA”.
I started stewarding in 1993 and have been a Crufts steward every year since 2000
I was a committee member of the Bearded Collie Club in the early
90s and have served on Midland Counties for 10 years
My judging career started in 1996 at open shows
I first awarded CCs at S K C in 2006 and have been lucky enough to do so 6 times since also judging in Spain & Sweden
We have gained J W with 4 dogs & R C Cs with 3 also 1 Homebred Champion .Abby & bred an Austrian Champion William
I also award CCs in Border Collies & have since 2009
My love of beardies will always be my first love a wonderful breed sensitive, funny, loveable & naughty

CROFT Barrie (Malcro)

As of August 2014 I will have been showing dogs for 50 years, every year without a break!

Bred and owned Ch. O.E.S. Own dogs have won well over 150 BIS.

I am approved to give CC’s in 14 breeds, approved to judge the Pastoral Group at Championship Show level. I have judged O.E.S. Crufts, 1999; H.Puli Crufts, 2014 and Australian Sheperds Crufts 2015. I have judged 23 different Breed Club open shows, judged a group or BIS 172 times, the first in 1977.

I have judged overseas 64 times in 22 different countries. Beardies in Russia, Austria and Italy and will judge Beardies in Denmark and Holland in 2014.

DUMBRELL Lynn (Bethlyntee)

I have been involved and lived around dogs for most of my life but it wasn’t until 28 years ago that I became interested in the show world and bought my first Beardie. Beth was bought primarily to work the cattle of their farm but I was persuaded to show her by her breeder. By the time she gained a ticket and BOB, Katie, a repeat mating of Beth, had also joined us. Katie was to be my foundation bitch.

Over the 28 years I have only bred 7 litters of which 7 are Stud Book qualifies, 1 multi RCC winner, 3 individual CC winners and 2 champions, one of whom regularly worked cattle. My homebred stud dog has sired a number of Stud Book qualifies and a champion both in the UK and Belgium together with CC and BOB winners in this country.

A number of my Beardies have worked our cattle on a regular basis.

FARRIER Kay (Kayanarra)

I first became involved with dogs during the 1980’s initially with obedience, agility and then showing. I have owned Beardies since 1994. Family circumstances have dictated that, sensibly, I cannot keep a lot of dogs. With small numbers, I have achieved a good level of success in the show ring campaigning 2 Champions, several Junior Warrant winners etc. My current Beardies are all owned in partnership with Peter & Yvonne Fox (Bushblades).

I believe in the true sense of the word “commitment” and giving something back to the canine world. This has been demonstrated by serving on the BCC committee for 11 years and secretary of the NE branch for 13 years during this time, I have consistently served as a committee member of a local canine club.

I started judging in 2000 and enjoyed it ever since and first awarded CC’s in the breed in 2012. I believe that we all continue to learn about conformation and movement on an ongoing basis, no-one knows it all. It would be an honour to be voted by the members to judge at the BCC of Scotland Championship Show.

GREEN, Irene (Iolair)

Over the years I have owned Border Collies, GSDs, Yorkshire Terriers, BSD, Australian Shepherds and Finnish Lapphunds.

In the early days, I became friends with the late Jeanette and Ernie Burns (Bluerise) and it was with Jeanette I got my first grounding in Bearded Collies.

I started judging at local matches, agricultural and companion shows, then my first official judging appointment was at Culzean dog show in September 1991 and it has snowballed since then. I presently award CCs as a breed specialist in Belgian Shepherds, Australian Shepherds and Finnish Lapphunds and have judged BIS at BSD Champ Show, plus Working/Pastoral groups and BIS at Open Shows.

Along with all mandatory KC exams, I have attended and passed relevant hands-on assessments at breed specific seminars in Aussies, BSDs, Fin. Laps, Bearded Collie, Border collie, Rough Collies, Smooth Collies, OES, Shetland Sheepdog, Bullmastiffs, Polish Lowlands, Samoyed, Siberian Husky, Keeshonds and Eurasiers.

I would be honoured and delighted to receive an invite to judge a Scottish Beardie Club Show

GROENIER Imke (Braemoor)

I have been crazy about dogs for as long as I can remember, and when I first met the Bearded Collie I just knew they were what I wanted and needed.
Before owning a beardie I got to know the breed better by helping a local breeder groom her dogs every Friday after school. When a couple of years later she bred another litter I fell in love with the littlest and most mischievous puppy in the litter and she became my first beardie, Cippy. My first beardie to train obedience with, try agility with and go to shows with. We were not very successful at any of these things, but we had so much fun.
Fast forward to present day and sadly Cippy is no longer with us, but numerous others are. With my current beardies I still attempt obedience and agility and dog shows, the latter with some success. Most importantly we still have fun doing all these things as well as just enjoying every day life together.
I bred my first litter in 2004 and was encouraged to accept my first open show judging appointment in 2012, which I really enjoyed. Since then I have been honoured to receive a couple more judging appointments. I find the learning process never ends and I enjoy actively trying to further my knowledge and expertise, both as a breeder and as a judge.

HARKIN, Margaret (Claudalla)

I have owned Bearded Collies since 1975 and have many happy memories of my first Beardie, Seykoe Excalibor, who introduced me to the show world. Although only a small kennel I have owned and bred Champions, multiple CC, RCC and JW winners.

My first judging appointment was in 1981 and in 1990 was approved to award CC’s,in Bearded Collies, having now judged 14 sets of CC’s in the breed. The highlight of my judging career was in 2007 when I was invited to judge our breed at Crufts, a truly memorable experience. I have also judged in America, Canada, Sweden, Germany and Ireland. I judge the pastoral and working groups at Open Show level and have been invited to judge at BIS level in 2016.

I have held several roles with the Eastern Bearded Collie Association and am currently President and Secretary of the Judges-Sub-Committee. I take great pride in the organising of seminars for future judges and am on the official list of Evaluators/Assessors with the Kennel Club.

HAYWOOD Rosie (Binbusy)

I owned Beardies for over 35 years and was very active in breeding and showing until May 2000 when my husband, Steve, died. Together we bred over 20 litters and provided the foundation stock for a number of successful breeders both in the UK and abroad. Nowadays I am content to continue with my judging career.

I first judged Beardies in 1982 and awarded my first CC’s at the Welsh KC Show in august 1988 – the same day as Ch. Binbusy Cadence was whelping her first litter!!! Over the years I have judged many of the major UK Championship Shows and Club Shows and judged Bitches at Crufts in 2004. I have also judged Beardies many times abroad all over Europe, USA and in Australia.

I hope to continue judging both at home and abroad for many years to come as my way of giving something back to the breed that is very dear to my heart.

I was also Treasurer of the Bearded Collie Club for 13 years.

HOOD Alan (Bryonyhill)

Being born in Dunfermline in 1962, I grew up with my next door neighbours’ dog, not knowing what breed it was, but it always was the loveliest natured thing one could wish for. It was not until nearly 25 years later I purchased my first hairy mutt, as it was called in my childhood.

I have owned bearded collies since 1986 when I purchased my first dog Bumbleridge Hoodwinked, a lovely blue boy. I started showing beardies the same year and have been hooked ever since. Previously I owned and bred GSD’s and was actively into working trials. I trained dogs to PD and PDEX status and owned some of the last of the famous Baileyhill Lines.

We have bred occasionally over the years and have produced two UK Champions – Truffle and Tickle – and a further 12 dogs to Stud Book Number. I love to judge our wonderful breed.

HOSIE Alan (Aliskye)

I got my first Beardie back in 1985 from Kath Delaney namely, Arranbrae Black Label (Sophie). Some of you may remember the BCCS show which finished in the car park! Suzanne Moorhouse was judging and gave Sophie BPIS. Although Sophie won her Stud Book number in the days when there were often 30 in Limit it wasn’t really until I got Arnie, Ciopar Flash Fisichella in 2004 that I took up showing in earnest and boy was I lucky to get such a treasure from Trish Buchanan-Hislop. Arnie quickly gained his title and won the CC at Crufts in 2010.

Lady luck must surely have been shining down on me for a second time when Cara, Gillaber Balnacara joined Arnie in the ring. She surpassed my greatest hopes again winning her title at a relatively young age.
Arnie and Cara encapsulate what I like most in a Beardie and why they are my favourite breed. They are fun loving and both possess that driving but seemingly effortless low to the ground movement which no other breed comes close to replicating.

I should be honoured if the members thought highly enough of me to choose me to judge one of the Bearded Collie Club of Scotland Open Shows.

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