JBLC Breed Strategy - Planning a Litter? Useful Information to help you select a sire….
Part of the Breed Strategy developed by the JBLC after feedback from Bearded Collie owners and breeders:
"Choosing the right stud dog is essential to successful dog breeding. Be sure to take your time and do your research. It is not a perfect science but here are some basic tips for choosing a stud dog." Click on the links below:
Stud dog checklist.pdf
Stud dog checklist summary.pdf
Sire usage table.pdf
JBLC Bearded Collie Annual Health Survey 2018
From Elizabeth Ayrton, Breed Health Co-ordinator
"A big thank you to everyone who filled in the Breed Health Survey in February 2018 – it was a fabulous response and gave us plenty of data with a total of 1132 dogs entered. Overall the picture is an encouraging one with many Bearded Collies living on into old age with minimal problems but it also gives us data on areas where we do have problems. Encouraging yearly participation will enable us to monitor these problems and act accordingly and also focus in which areas we use any resources available to us."
A summary of the data presented can be downloaded by clicking the link below:
Bearded Collie Health Survey 2018.pdf
JBLC Breed Strategy - Bearded Collie 'Buddy' Scheme
JBLC Buddy Scheme - October 2017.pdf
JBLC Proposed Breed Strategy
Breed Strategy Outline - April 2017.pdf
JBLC Summary Report on the Breeders Regional Workshops
Breeder's Workshop short report.pdf